Saturday, September 29, 2007

Appreciate what you have.

I work with several people who have problems of varying degrees with their kids. Mostly adult/teenaged kids, plus some young grandkids.

This past week, they've been ranting about their kids. A lot. I have heard, no less than a dozen times, "If I knew then what I know now, I never would've had kids." All I hear, day in and day out, is how awful their kids are, how much they've ruined their life, and how miserable they all are.

I guess it's all about perspective. But I just want to slap them. I mean, if you want to bitch about your it necessary to do it to someone who, at press time, can't have kids?

That's all for now.


Katie said...

Just found your blog through Lost and Found. I am so sorry. I can't imagine four years of this pain. I am just ending the second year of TTC and it's been hell. You are my new hero for today - if not for surviving this much of TTC, but then for not actually slapping those ungrateful fertiles. I am glad that we can at least be here to support each other.

Tina / Anxious Changer said...

I am sorry you have to listen to that all day long. Personally, I have no time for crap like that and come up with snide zingers to shut people up who complain like that. I'll have to think of something for you... ;)

Anonymous said...

I saw your blog for the first time and you had me crying! I know you probably don't want sypathy, but I just wanted to let you know you are on my prayer list. The blog that triggered me to leave you a comment was the one about people bitching about their kids! I hate that too. I, however, do not know what you are going through, but the fact that people complain about their kids that are pure blessings is obsurd! It is things like that that many people in this world take for granted and that is definitely one thing that shouldn't be!
Well, good luck to you and I'll say a few prayers for you.